Aloha and welcome to the blog. It’s been awhile since I’ve posted on here. I’ve gone back and fourth on what to post and that’s led to a delay in new content. As I work on new ideas for designs for the Shakas and Alohas product I’m always thinking about new content to add to give you guys the viewer a better idea on what the brand is all about. I’m never sure that the content I provide would convey that idea so I just prolong adding anything new. I finally gave in and figured I’m just gonna post some of the experiences I truly enjoy. In this particular case I was taking a daily walk with the fam when we came across a band setting up on the Bluff here in Long Beach. I saw all the cyclist starting to gather and I figured it was gonna be something really cool about to happen. My curiosity didn’t fail me and the band ended up being really good. Not sure what there name was but I think I saw Boom Boom Addiction painted on the drums hence the title of this post. I love these types of DIY events that just randomly happen here in Long Beach. Enjoy the video and I’ll try to post something new sooner rather than later. Have a great weekend and Aloha Friday! Happy Mother’s Day in advance to all you amazing moms out there!